Kannah Creek. It's a big nasty downhill ride, with lots of rocks and well... lots of rocks. I had plans for an easy road ride, but Gary stopped by the shop and tempted me to ride my mtnbike, which never takes much. However, I didn't want to give up the "workout" I would get on my road bike so I decided to ride out to the lower trail-head, catch a ride up the Mesa, bomb the trail and then ride back into town. Yea, that sounds great!

I just couldn't get up early enough to ride ALL the way from the house, so Mary dropped me off near WhiteWater and I started my cold slog into the wind. The Cottonwoods are in full Autumn color. Gorgeous!

We were all prepared for some serious cold weather. What we got was long sleeve jersey weather, perfect for rippin downhill at speed. There were even some bugs out to remind us we were still on the Mesa.

The log skinny section was attempted and ridden by most in attendance, nice work! Above, Marissa cleans it like a champ.

Paul, pictured above, was on his game the whole day. We traded leads pushing it hard and challenging eachother to keep going faster and faster. I look forward to riding like this more! Nice Run Paul!
To all who aren't pictured, I am sorry. I was just having too much fun to stop and take pictures. For 11 people to have only had 2 flats and bent only one derrailure hanger on a trail that rips bikes to shreds I say, Bravo! Nice work!
Mark in the rocks.

Brian Doss rides the log.
Thanks to Jen for helping me push back home on the hwy. I ended up 40 miles on my bike and I was hurting. Thanks for the pulls.
If any one else has pictures send them my way and I'll post more. Leila???
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