Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kannah Creek
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Guiding the "Guides"
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Rollin' FX style
I rode on top most of the way until I reached a gravel road that leaves the park. This road takes you higher and up to the tiny town of Glade Park. Since I was rollin FX style (not on a squirmy, ill-handling, neck hurting, scared of a pebble road bike) I took great joy in leaving the pavement and putting together a loop that most of the roadies never get a chance to do because they might scratch their BMW jewelery.
The gravel didn't last long and soon I was on a very high stretch of road I had never been on before.
It was about this time that I started to bonk. I hadn't eaten much for lunch so I was really looking forward to a stop at the Glad Park Store. Its not the Pioneer Store in Protem Missouri, but its not bad. Their prices are high and they made me spend at least 5 dollars or they wouldn't run my credit card.
Sitting at the store I decided I was whooped and that I would take the quick way down, but as I rolled closer to the turn off for Little Park Rd, I veered right and took the longer way with more twisty turns. As usual a headwind kept me from attaining warp speed, but it was still a fun descent. From my house up and back down it was about 4o miles. Next time I'm gonna put on cross tires and ride down the Ribbon instead. That would be the perfect FX style road ride!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Trails
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I've got great news....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Manti La Sal Mountains Gold Moto Ride

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dust Puddles in Arizona
Interbike was good, just a little too much PRODUCT! I think I have had enough sales pitches for the year. We put in two days and then left the city that smells like urine, and headed to a place that does not smell like urine, Gooseberry Mesa, one of my favorite places on earth!
After a good nights sleep on the windy edge of the mesa I stumbled out of the tent to the view of Zion on fire.
After breakfast we headed out to the edge of the mesa to a trail we hadn't done before called the Windmill trail. This was a great start to the ride as it was a mellow climb along the edge.
Gooseberry just gets better the more times I go. There isn't riding anywhere else like it, not even Moab.
Did I mention that the views from the Mesa are, well..... Pretty Good, if your into that kind of thing.
Notice in the above picture how far away the road is taking us from the mesa we had hoped to climb up onto. We found a sweet oasis out there in the desert. Had the truck ran out of gas this place would have saved our lives, but thanks to Mary and her "smart thinking" there would be no such death march/drinking out of a cattle tank story to tell.
And the road went on, and on, and on........ And we opened more gates.....
By now its pretty obvious we aren't going to find the Little Creek Mesa trails, but this road was so long and had such potential for getting us really disgusstingly lost and stuck I was enjoying it. This brings me to part of the title of this post. What is a "dust puddle"? Well, put a bag of flour in a pothole, make it level with the road so that you can't see that there is any hole there at all. Now, hit it with a truck at 40mph, POOF! You just made your-self a dust puddle!
And we drove on....
Well, luckily it did not rain, and after about 4 hours we saw a trail of dust in the distance. It was a more traveled gravel road with someone driving on it. We took this road heading back north and came to pavement, then the pavement ended again making us think it was kind of toying with us. We eventually popped out in......Arizona. Whew! After that kind of drive we decided to head for Marys brothers house in Manti UT for a shower and some rest. I rested the next day by going on a sweet shuttle run down the Patton Trail. YEEE HAAAA