Trek put us up in some pretty decent digs for Trek World 2010. This was the view from the hotel room window of Lake Mendota.

For the most part the roadies get all the cool colors this year. With the new Project One program you can get pretty much any color you want, as long as it goes on a Trek Madone.

Above is one of the coil versions of the new Scratch 7" freeride bike. (what is up with the name?)

This will hopefully be my new bike for the coming year as long as my Fuel EX sells. Should be a 7" version of my most favorite bike, the Remedy.

Below is the most fun 29er I have ridden to date, the Rumblefish. It handles well and the new 36 tooth cog in the back makes it a pretty good climber.

After riding a Scratch and a Rumblefish, Brady, one of the Trek engineers I know, talked me into taking out the new carbon fiber Remedy. It's about 3/4 of a pound lighter than my Remedy and the new rear shock works really well. I was feeling pretty good on it, despite the crappy stock tires, the long stem, the brakes on the wrong side, and no gravity dropper to get the seat out of my way. The Trek trails are not what I would call technical, and last year I made quite a bit of fun of the people coming out of the woods bloody and with broken collar bones. Well, this year they added a few new trail features, one being this dirt jump/step up/step off combo pictured below.

Well, the stock tire wrinkled on take off, I made it up onto the upper most part of the wooden structure, and then stepped into thin air. I did one full rotation, landed on some of the logs and then the bike landed on me. I, of course, was not wearing any body armor because the trails in Wisconsin are "easy." I now have two badly swolen and lacerated shins and a black and blue elbow. Now i get to roadbike for the next week or so until the swelling goes down! DANG!
Landon, the elbow picture looks a LOT worse than it did after the ice packs. While the swelling might have gone down, I can only hope that the pain is subsiding too.
Great to have you visit us here in Madison. Looking forward to seeing you out West sometime soon!
Dude, I didn't know you hammered your body that badly.
Suck of the sucks.
I hope your healing up though.
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