Flyin Ryan wins yet another Throwdown! Free Lunch trail proved to be more difficult than any of us expected. It's a hard trail to go FAST on.

Greg was out grabbing what shots he could in the fading light.

Group shot below of those who dared to THROW DOWN, except Brad who forgot about the race. As usual it was not without carnage. Troy took a hard digger leaving some ugly gashes and swelling on the shins, and Noah, managed to only explode ONE tire this time. We now change his name from Double Pinch Flat Noah to SNAKE BIGHT NOAH!

Times are as follows...
Flyin Ryan: 5:05
Snake Bight Noah: DNF
Jared the Thunder: 5:32
The Hammer who is Troy: DNF
Comandn' Landon: 5:33 (ONE FREAKIN SECOND!)
Keith the Killer: 7:54
Micha the peeing Heeler Dog: 7:54
Thanks to Mary for timing and waiting in the cold!
Oh yea, and none of this really happened, because Throwdown doesn't exist.... right?
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