On our way back towards home we stopped in Sedona for a late afternoon ride. Travis and Nancy met us there. They were working over the locals trying to get some secret trail info. They succeeded in getting local ripper "Chewy" to ride with us and show us a trail. Trail name? Dammed if I know?
Me, near the beginning of Dammed if I know?
Sedona is like Moab and Zion morphed together. Or, as a buddy put it, "A snooty little town where a national park should be."

Notice the size of the wee little bikes at the bottom of the photo.

The descent from the high point of the trail was an absolute blast. I can't wait to go back now that I know what to expect.
The video below is of a very steep roll in near the end of the trail. What you can't see in the video is a log booter jump after the roll in. SWEEEEEET!
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