A rainy Wednesday left our dry, parched trails in primo condition. The sun had been out just long enough to make "hero dirt," as Jerrod called it, for our racing pleasure. Greg was their for this event with helmet cams, and manning his trusty camera. Unfortunately neither video cam worked, leaving us with only two photo's of the race.
Below are a list of times, thanks to all who came out to play, it was great fun. I'm smelling a re-match in the future as I am sure Ryan, Brad, and Troy will want a crack at Dwaynes time!
Keep Rippin,
PS Thanks to Matt who chucked his race time to pick up all of Jerrods yard sale items that were flying out of his camelbak. No thanks to Greg for leaving it open!
Dwayne the Destroyer 12:11
No Flats this Time Noah 13:41
I'm having a yard sale Jerrod 13:46
No Commandon Landon 14:41
Matt the Sweep (no time)
1 comment:
Beautiful Photography!!! This must be Greg's handi-work. He sure is getting better all the time! Congratulations to the "Destroyer" He rips... DOM.
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