The trail was gnarly, but in a really painful kind of way. My state of mind was way off on this day. Aspen trees in yellow, gnarly rock garden trail, a day long adventure--- Normally my kind of thing, but I just wasn't in the groove that day.

OFF THE BIKE!!!!!!!!!!! I decided my only chance at completing my mission of finally riding The Centurion Route was to take some time off and see if my hands would heal. I got a good taste of what Mary has been dealing with and it was a good reminder of whats its like to have a problem that seems to have no cause or cure. It seemed like my back problem in 04 all over again.
Sooo, Mary and I have been hiking. Its good to be out together again and to let go of the intensity of training and riding so hard.
Rattle Snake Arches
Above is Gus on a hike we took in the Doloris Triangle. A very remote chunk of land separated from the world by the Colorado River. We had heard rumor of a road that connected this place to Moab via a crossing of the Doloris River.
A strange perspective of the La Sals and Porcupine Rim.
After hours of driving jeep roads we finally found the Doloris River. It was only cab deep.
Shortly after this cabin we popped out near the remains of the old Dewey Bridge. Its only 65 miles from GJ, yet it takes 2.5 hours.

The last week of September Mary headed off to the Interbike trade show, without me! It was payback time for when I was in Wisconsin. I ran the shop while Andy (her brother) and she played with bikes.
Yes Andy, those would look GREAT on my bike.
After Mary got back from Vegas my friends from Missouri came out. Chris, Joe Lynn and Rylin. The first to come out since our wedding. We showed them two days of rocks.
Joe Lynn does her best to hold Delicate Arch, but dropped it at the last minute as I took the picture.
And with that September was over. I climbed back on my bike in hopes that the hand problem was a thing of the past, that I could get enough ride time in the coming weeks to still attempt The Centurion. October will tell?