Its been a little tough at work lately. Mostly crazy people coming in the door. But, every now and then certain people make me realize why I sell bikes, why I sell this sport. A tall, lumbering guy came in the other night. He looked like a construction worker. He told me he was thinking of doing a triathlon and might want a road bike. As we talked I found out that a year or so ago he took up running. He had weighed 300lbs but now looked fit and athletic, still a big guy but by no means fat. However there was no hiding that he was not long off the hillbilly boat. We talked more and he told me story's of getting in shape, and how at one point a cop had stopped him and interrogated him as to "who" he was running from. The cop didn't believe his story of training for a marathon. He mentioned how he used to honk and scream at bikers on the Monument, but that now his whole view has changed. He bought a new Trek 1.2 Road bike yesterday. Welcome to the club.
This February will be my 9th year on the bike. I started on a 24 inch wheeled Walmart Next. I pulled the seat post out until only an inch was still in the seat-tube, trying like crazy to give my legs some extension. I put on a "comfortable" gel seat from Walmart. I pushed it more than I pedaled it. It rode me more than I rode it. But I kept riding. I lost weight. I gained perspective. One is not bound to a motor.
That bike still hangs in my parents barn back in Missouri. I thought of it this winter as Mary and I were riding in New Zealand. It was a perfect spring day. I was riding through a cow pasture, it was green, it was warm. Just like those first days on the bike. Riding because you love it. So cheers! to my little yellow walmart bike. You lasted just long enough to change my life.